He has a passion for God and his people and had dedicated most of his life to evangelism. he has his life well cut out for him since his teenage years when we used to go on evangelism to higher institutions in Lagos, and towns and villages all over Nigeria. Apostle Ebenezer George had never doubted what his roles are in the kingdom of God, this fine artist and instrumentalist is painting beautiful works of art with lasting colourful strokes on the canvas God has cut out for him and blaring his Saviour’s name on the trumpet for the whole world to hear.
The unassuming and lanky pastor believes that this is the Nehemiah generation that will save the remnants in our land. He never rests on his oars as he travels from community to community, and door to door bringing the good news to the locals. He does not go there empty handed in this trying times; with the lockdown and not being able to work, Apostle George bears in his hands palliatives to the hungry and desperate communities.
At the start of the pandemic, he defied all odds to take the palliatives packed in bags for each household across to them. He and his team were stopped by the local police but when they saw that they were on a mission of help and rescue they were allowed to move freely.
In a chat with the Evangelist he said, “The Lord made ways for us everywhere we went because we went in his name and were about his business.”
His ministry in Pretoria has proved that God does not need numbers to do his work. He needs yielded hearts who are ready to say “Here am I, send me.”
Good job sir, more blessing and anointing IJMN.
What a noble and selfless gesture, purely the work of God indeed. As with the Bible, this is the right way to do offering, “to give to the needy”. Indeed the Nehemiah generation to rescue our Africa. A round of applause 👏 Olubunmi for your expert work, in ensuring the world knew about the good work that people do, thank you🙏Allow me to convey my heartfelt gratitude to Pastor Ebenezer George for the outstanding support that he provides the people of Pretoria South Africa, I’m witness to that. He is a true man of God, with great passion and love for others, always gives selflessly to the people. May the good Lord continually bless his Ministry and family.. I love his daring spirit.. he will go all out and do his best spreading the Word of God at all costs … That is true love, passion and dedication of God’s work, may he be richly blessed always, thank you🙏🌹